Always FASHION CAKES .... like a HERMES scarf!

by Patrizia Benati |•|

Hi everyone, here I am back to you with an original recipe based on hazelnuts. I had to do it and redo it many times before I found the right balance of ingredients, then finally the perfect mix. Creamy, sweet and comforting like a cashmere sweater, enveloping like an oversized soft coat, consistent and rewarding like a cuddle from the people we care about we need, strongly, in this period a bit empty of meetings.

For the base:
100 gr of flour
120 gr of toasted hazelnuts
2 eggs
100 gr of butter
120 gr of sugar
½ sachet of yeast
For the cream:
600 gr mascarpone
300 ml of fresh whipping cream
250 gr of cream 100% hazelnut
100 gr of classic gianduia chocolate
50 gr of dark gianduia chocolate
30 gr of icing sugar
Grease a pan with a hinge of cm 26 in diameter and sprinkle it with flour. Finely chop the hazelnuts in the blender using the pulse button. Melt the butter in a double boiler. Sift the flour with the baking powder. In a bowl whisk the egg yolks very well with 80 gr of sugar until it becomes light and soft, add the chopped hazelnuts and melted butter, mix well before pouring the flour with the yeast. Beat the egg whites until stiff with the rest 40 gr of sugar, gently incorporate them into the previous mixture, mixing from bottom to top. Place in a hot oven and cook a 150 degrees for 35/40 minutes. Turn out directly onto the serving dish. Leave to cool. Melt the gianduia chocolate in a bain-marie then let it cool. Incorporate the cream into the mascarpone 100% hazelnuts then add the melted chocolate. Whip the cream with the icing sugar and add it to the mascarpone cream, mix very well until it is uniform. Place a ring mold around the base and pour in the cream and mascarpone cream, level evenly. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 12 ore, remove the ring and decorate as desired before serving.
I prefer to use hazelnut cream 100% because it has a more intense aroma and flavor than the usual chocolate and hazelnut spreads.


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