Psicorubrica by Lara Ventisette,,it,"The newest computer in the world can only get worse,,it,thanks to its speed,,it,the most ancient problem in relations between human beings,,it,that of communication,,it,Who must communicate,,it,he will always find himself confronted with the usual problem,,it,what to say and how to say it ",,it,Bill Gates,,en,To communicate who we are in an effective way, it can be useful to know how human beings communicate in general,,it,Communication is a fascinating and complex world,,it

Global self-esteem is based on an integrated self-assessment of all the components of one's personality (cognitive, emotional, relational); it is the feeling of counting, to have value, to deserve respect and attention, o, Unlike, not to deserve time, respect and attention because it is not worth. Self-esteem is comparable to a building with four supporting columns, called Autostime Specifications. Specific self-esteems are representative of the degree of satisfaction that we perceive in each area of ​​our life and concern: the family, the job (or school), relations, body perception (which includes sports and body image).

The Family pillar reflects the experiences we experience as a member of our family: the more we feel appreciated by our family members, the more we perceive recognition, love and respect on their part, the greater the self-esteem in this area. The Relationships pillar is about our perception of ourselves as a friend of others: more often we will be sought after, respected, followed as a model, more likely this area of ​​life will be rewarding.

To be satisfied in the workplace or school it is necessary that the value attributed to ourselves as professionals or students meets our standards of success. Body perception is, invece, the emerging quality between body pattern and body image, because it concerns the perception of our body as beautiful, healthy and well functioning; the solidity of this pillar of self-esteem therefore depends on our ability to make the most of our image and, at the same time, to lead a lifestyle that makes our body healthy and "mechanically" impeccable.

We have as many specific self-esteem as there are areas where we try and each specific self-esteem can in turn be divided into further levels of specificity (for example in relationships we can detect a different degree of satisfaction in the relationship with different friends).

As, as I told you in the previous article, self-esteem can be defined as the distance between the person we feel we are and the person we want to be, we can easily measure the degree of specific self-esteem corresponding to each area of ​​life, asking: "How much I look like the person I want to be? How much value is recognized to me? How effective I am in the role I play? How much trust other people have in me?

How long it is in this area of ​​life, the path that leads me to the best version of me?

I leave you to your reflections and I refer you to the next insights on the topic Self-Esteem.


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