Let's hope that the next sunny days will really warm our hearts, which is certainly not easy given what happens, indeed it is happening to us. Fashion, in its becoming, certainly she too hit but not sunk, will help (for us who love it so much) perhaps to detach ourselves from our daily routine and bring back a smile making us want to dress well again to fully experience what was suddenly torn from us. In many collections for S / S21 the floral fabric patterns have cheered up and made even more beautiful many outfits proposed. Flowers of all types and colors, all different from each other but with a single denominator, liveliness. Liveliness readable as lightness, will to live and not survive, want to hug the people we love, desire for a normal life, not special, now normal is enough. We at Magazzino 26 we have chosen this model to give you a starting point in the hope that you too will be able to find it in the next few days “looking around” il “Floreal Dress” that makes you say: ” WOW, how beautiful it is’ the life!”

Gucci dress with Scott print


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