G Glam edited by Gerardo Carretta


Barbie? KITSCH? Out? Absolutely not!

We are talking about the pink, joy and pain of the fashion business. All Aqua remember that with the pink Barbie Girl have given us hours and happy hours of aerobics and water aerobics, including flamingos and inflatable unicorns, but the rose has a real appeal, a secret to be revealed, a power to be reckoned with.

From the world of fast fashion to the big house, He has haunted the pink top designers, creating havoc and amazement. Set aside the common idea that it is a purely feminine color, pink was already being used before the French Revolution for women's clothing and men aristocrats. The big designers have always put at the center of their collections. How can we forget the iconic pink ribbon of Yves Saint Laurent in the early 80?

Prada in 2011 He has created part of his collection by using the pink. Negli anni 20 pink chiffon were embellished with precious stones, creating the fantastic Gatsby effect so today we are re-evaluating! But pink is not only romance and princesses, the likes of brand Like boys,fr in 2016 They made him decidedly punk! A color that has always accompanied us, and what have you rose in the closet?

As always I come back soon.

your G.


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