
“Specchio specchio delle mie brame chi è la più bella del reame?”, this phrase resonates in all of us, perché appartiene alla co-protagonista di una fiaba molto famosa, and triggers the need for beauty, un anelito molto umano che muove pianeti interiori ed esteriori. Snow White's stepmother, however, did not know the emotional reading and transforming – chiedo scusa ai Grimm brothers – chiamata appunto Legge dello Specchio che, se compresa e assimilata, It allows us to be the protagonists of our internal and external environment.

The traditionally mirrors recall the image of who is ahead, ma quale immagine? The exterior on the self-perception that everyone has and therefore it is highly subjective and variable over time (even if our ego makes us believe that it is immutable)? O quella interiore legata ai nostri sentimenti e desideri – you remember another very famous magic mirror, quello di Harry Potter showing what it craves more deeply in the heart - that moves us and excites? The mirror would tell "the reality that you live on the outside is a reflection of your, you can learn about your heart watching what happens to you in life ".

E questo cosa significa concretamente? Begin to observe people and situations close to us and recognize if we feel positive and nutrients, oppure no. If we perceive the negative and heavy, and we get angry with the people involved and the fate cynical and cheat, nothing changes – se mi guardo allo specchio e vedo il mio viso sporco, I not wipe the mirror, but I wash my face – se invece guardiamo dentro di noi, in our hearts and we transform our thoughts and our emotions, permetteremo alla bellezza vera e profonda di risplendere esteriormente, luminous and delicately dazzling.

a cura della Dott.ssa Fabiana Boccola


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