IL FRULLATO – IL LATO DELLA FRU a cura di Sara Fruner

Copying Anomalisa-a-movie-of-animation-the-individual-differences

Di recente mi è capitato di passare per l’Academy Cinemas di Auckland, the only arthouse cinema hosted by New Zealand cities - it would be interesting to dwell on the whys and wherefores Auckland has only arthouse cinema, but today's smoothie has other fruits for the head. There, all’Academy, I have seen Anomalisa, a film in Italy has passed in a handful of salt, e che tuttavia si è aggiudicato il Gran Premio della Giuria alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia del 2015. Il geniaccio che ha creato questo gioiello è Charlie Kaufman. Mai sentito parlare di Essere John Malkovich, The Thief of Orchids (diretti da Spike Jonze)? Of Human Nature e If you leave me I delete you (diretti da Michel Gondry)? here, the scripts have been lifted out of Kaufman pen. If then you were also so reckless that he had seen Synecdoche, New York, of which he directed, we will be friends for life.

Anomalisa fits perfectly into its production, the entire vault to investigate issues such as appearance and reality, solitude, transience of love - the classic macro issues that obsess her (our!) daily. But it is the identity, the real prey to Kaufman: chases in every movie, and in every movie it seems to verge acciuffarne the mystery. In part it succeeds every time, in part not, which allows him to continue hunting film after film, and us to benefit.

Anomalisa is an animated film, but cometh Holly&Benjie now ... Imagine instead Wallace&Gromit. The director used the stop-motion technique: three-dimensional puppets moved frame by frame, then joined in sequence to give the effect of movement. It is no coincidence that he chose this technique: he needed puppets, and the puppets had. Nothing is ever left to chance, Charlie the Cerebral ...

Michael Stone is an author of motivational books for call-center operators, visiting Cincinnati to lecture. In the hotel where he's staying, the Fregoli, during the night preceding the event, meets Lisa, a girl that the world does not define certain Bar Rafaeli, but nevertheless it strikes - in his eyes Lisa is different from all, It is "abnormal", and he likes to make a play on words, a vezzeggiativo, "Anomalous-lisa". The two just need to fall in love with each other, and end up spending the night together. But the awakening, like every real and metaphorical awakening, It brings with it a very different reality from the one known in nighttime idyll. Maybe Lisa is not so perfectly abnormal as Michael has imagined ...

As in any self-respecting product kaufmaniano, the facts are apparently easy to interpret, and the plot is its "plot", a plot that leaves many holes open to doubt and reflection. Because all the puppets seem - they are?? - equal, They have the same features and, basically, repeated the same identity? Because they have the same masculine voice? All but Lisa?

There and then taste gongoliamo, thinking that he understood Kaufman: of course, is the typical way of representing a dehumanized society inhabited by puppets all equal, but then when it's true love, bum, you recognize it right away, catches the eye because "different", It is unique and "abnormal"… Kaufman, this time we caught you! But if you're careful, intravedrete in the distance he, Kaufman, do no-no with the index ... it is his, that has caught us in our standard way of thinking

Digging a bit 'in depth, we will find that "Fregoli", besides having lent its name to the hotel where Michael spends the night, and to have been a well-known quick change in the first '900, also it gives its name to the syndrome: a psychiatric illness in which the patient is convinced that people are actually all the same individual, with different features ... And as we have learned, the case has nothing to do.

There's just a lot of work of thought in the movie. There is also a great deal of irony. But rice is not cathartic as the dawn of the comic genre; it is disenchanted. Before the obviousness who swap characters in the orbit of Michael, whether relatives or strangers - that the inhabitants of the world today, or we - Michael si spazientisce: no longer able to live in such mediocrity. Lisa are different even in this perspective: His language is spontaneous, free, not imprisoned in the vacuous chatter to talk daily. Yet yes, you laugh. Mostly, They widened his eyes and spin the gears of the brain - the rest is this, Charlie pointed to the Brain…

If you feel like playing with the Chinese boxes of authenticity and (dis)simulation in a standardized and standardizing world in a film that is all one discovery, do not miss Anomalisa. Looking back, sì, a trip on the other side of the planet deserve it ...

As for style ...

"Look in every person a detail that makes the unique", Michael says in one of his motivational books - and in the movie trailer. This film is the least one could imagine fashion: if you look at the puppets, who impersonate we, you will notice that they are all anonymous clothes, normal wear garments, nothing that distinguishes them. and yet, if you look carefully ... Lisa is the one that brings the flowers on her blouse, a pendant around your neck. Is there too abnormal, different there too. As if only her blouse could make sprout the flowers and distinguish, removing it from anonymity that is spreading around the world. Flowers on a blouse and a pendant can make a difference ...

Copia di video-anomalisa-peopling-anomalisa-featurette-superJumbo


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